As you know I’m a goal oriented person. For most of my life I’ve gotten clear on what I wanted and went for it like a heat seeking missile. There was one thing I wanted more than anything. I got super clear on its characteristics and repeatedly stepped out of my comfort zone to find it.
I kept receiving what I was going for only to discover that what I got didn’t make me happy. I kept tweaking and adjusting my wish list thinking I just needed to get clearer. Finally, something came that I thought was what I really wanted, it fit so much of my criteria. But it ended up being a devastating mistake.
Let Go
At that point, I gave up and said “Lord, I obviously don’t know what’s good for me. You send me what’s best for me.”
What came was so much of what I wanted but infinitely more. There were so many things I would have never thought to ask for or to list. I call what came “the gift that keeps on giving” because every day I seem to unwrap a new pleasant surprise. Some new aspect of this gift I never knew was there. Every day I thank God for this beautiful gift.
It’s made me look at goal setting completely differently. It’s more like, “this is what I’m thinking I’d like, but You decide. I trust You to send me what’s best for me.”
About Marnie Marcus
Marnie (Pehrson) Marcus is a best-selling author and marketing and social media consultant specializing in digital content creation and Facebook Ad Management. Get a FREE 20-minute strategy session with Marnie here.
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